

Update about ME and The Arqula !

So it's been a long time since i blog i will tell you what is happening with me and the future of my blog down below!

between the work and school since the last post i didn't have any time to scratch my head, and recently i had been through some personal stuff and i had some bad times going through it; so it was so hard to find some time for the blog, but it was so nice to see the views number still going up though i wasn't active on Arqula at all, so thank you guys!

recently i decided to start teaching  Physics and Chemistry to mid-school students on my own, and now i am learning some techniques to teach the information in easy and fast way, i will start with my brother's friends for free until the finals, and then i will go with low prices for a lesson.
i am very excited for this project, though i know it will be a long and hard way to get to my goal and that is to be self employed.

i will go to damascus this week so expect to see post about that :)

and for the future of this blog ,honestly it will stay at this slow rate at least until the spring break but expect some few updates and personal blog until then sorry guys and thanks for the support ,wish me luck !

1 comment:

  1. good post.i read & found it very good.
