

My trip to Damascaus!

I am writing this post on my way to lattakia from the capital Damascus and spoiler alert it wasn't a good trip.

This is my third trip to it; the first one was when i was thirteen my dad took me with him on work trip we stayed for two days, the second one was two years ago it was more like mission more than a trip we stay for three hours in one place before i went home.

Now let's talk about my latest trip which was in the last weekend.
we left Lattakia toward Tartus then Homs and finally to Damascus; we stopped a few times at checkpoints before each city and we stopped before Damascus at "Abo al 'aiz" which mean "The father of Good old times", it remind me of the border crossing gates there was so many people with so many backgrounds all share the same things which they are Syrians and they want to live a normal life but their faces don't lie the war left scares on it, scars of fear and sadness but they lie on them self by trying to live a normal life and hope for the future. when we reached the outskirts of the city we saw how bad the war was around the city, many building was on the edge of falling or already on the ground with few building survived what happened but either it was unreachable or the basics needs of normal house to be house was missing like: windows, door and people!

when we reached the city center the jam was awful the people there seems as they lost the able to trust any foreign and the looks was full of dark past and the eyes were hopeless.
i noticed that the city was highly divided in the economic factor between the rich area and the poor ones.
when we reached the hotel in the downtown it was small but nice one with original damascausian look in the hall and even in the rooms the view from the window of the room wasn't bad, we put the bags in the room and we head to do our business which it was the reason we came there, when we finished we went to area named "shaalan" which mean "on fire", the area was beautiful and had many shopping places and restaurants.

in the next day i stayed in the hotel until the afternoon and i tided the bags preparing to leave and in few hours later we were on the way home in the same route we came through.
it was short trip i hope i will go back when the city fully recover from the war and start the rebuilding process in the whole country.

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