

Life after Coronavirus! What will happen and How to React!

In this post I'll talk about life after this pandemic, in the time of writing this post the Coronavirus seems to flatten in the number of new cases; but none the less new people get sick and die every day and the numbers are huge; the life in most countries had stopped while ago and the global economy is straggling to survive,but this not one-time thing; new waves is not and i repeat is NOT impossible.

New countries including EU-members are considering relaunch the economy in the near future and it's likely the virus will not be disappeared anytime in soon.

Baby's steps:

For the first month or two few business and service which considered semi-essential will reopen and some people will have courage to get out of quarantine.

Schools in some places will reopen and other will reschedule the current term to mid-summer.
It's important to remember you are not safe so some caution will be needed.

What to do:

If your government say it's safe to reopen; then it's essential to keep the social-distancing, wash your hands regularly, avoid hands shakes and avoid touching buttons or door's knobs...etc

If you have health issues it's important to do what you can to take care of yourself, tell your doctor and your boss.

Tell your customers to follow the rules and keep safe distance.

Stay away from where people gather.

Work from home if you can!

Try avoid family/friends visiting.

Will it be Okay?
I think only time will tell but it's important to do our best to stay safe and avoid the virus is possible.

Will it really happened?
Yes it will!

Finally, Take care of who you love!
And stay safe!

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