

I Blog Using 35$ Computer!

raspberry pi 3

I bought a Raspberry Pi 3 model B one and half years ago, and enjoyed every moment of it, i tried so many thing with it like RetroPi which make the PI emulation device to emulate old console PS1 ,Sega .... etc , and i tried to use it as my main computer for year or so and i would say it's acceptable and it will do anything not graphically heavy and now i posting on my blog using it and surf the internet.It was so hard to get the PI where i live, but i manged to get it with double the price,though i didn't think for a minute it was a lose, the Pi is my favorite thing i own and one of the first things i bought with my own money and made me able to run my own business to gain experience in life and try new things.
and with PI 4 launch i think it will be more doable thing to use PI as main PC with 4GB RAM and USB3.

i added few things to make it more usable : i added fan station; the only case i found in my area it could't managed the heat so well especially in summer and hot times so i got jar cover and modified it with air flow opening and i soldered circuit to run the fan(which i found the project on github) i bought some dongle like VGA to HDMI ,PS/2 keyboard to USB and i setup the pi with FTP network and with static IP so i can stream the movies on the it to my phone or tablet.

My Setup

and for experience with GNU/Linux i use it as my main OP system for 4 years beginning with Puppy Linux, i don't have any problem with Rasbian at all.

i am so grateful to the Raspberry Pi foundation and all the guys and girls who work on it to let me blog the experience with you .

Current Mood : Thankful 😃

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