

I Saw Our Galaxy for The First Time!

our galaxy

I was in my Grandparent's house in the mountains in a small and lovely town ,where people go in summer far from the hot and humidity of the city, i go there every weekend to have good times with the family, i usually leave before my family on the morning of the next day to went to work in the afternoon, but this week i decided to went back with my aunts, uncle and my grandfather in his car at night.between the town where my grandparent's house and my city, there is a small village on the road but before we arrived to the village i noticed the road and surrounding were too dark, and then i noticed this shining white dots in the sky from my left shoulder to the right's one this long bar of dim dots, i thought first it was just the moon behind white cloud but i notice it wasn't moving so then i realized it was our galaxy, i couldn't believe my eyes,i spend so much looking off to the most dimming star and think to myself how massive it is,i imagine the stars like tears drop from child in the war running with his live, or mother who lost her son, i notice how much we are small and weak on this planet and how much the universe is huge and powerful and most important one how magical it is.

Current Mood : 😃 Wonderful