

Life after Coronavirus! What will happen and How to React!

In this post I'll talk about life after this pandemic, in the time of writing this post the Coronavirus seems to flatten in the number of new cases; but none the less new people get sick and die every day and the numbers are huge; the life in most countries had stopped while ago and the global economy is straggling to survive,but this not one-time thing; new waves is not and i repeat is NOT impossible.

New countries including EU-members are considering relaunch the economy in the near future and it's likely the virus will not be disappeared anytime in soon.

Baby's steps:

For the first month or two few business and service which considered semi-essential will reopen and some people will have courage to get out of quarantine.

Schools in some places will reopen and other will reschedule the current term to mid-summer.
It's important to remember you are not safe so some caution will be needed.

What to do:

If your government say it's safe to reopen; then it's essential to keep the social-distancing, wash your hands regularly, avoid hands shakes and avoid touching buttons or door's knobs...etc

If you have health issues it's important to do what you can to take care of yourself, tell your doctor and your boss.

Tell your customers to follow the rules and keep safe distance.

Stay away from where people gather.

Work from home if you can!

Try avoid family/friends visiting.

Will it be Okay?
I think only time will tell but it's important to do our best to stay safe and avoid the virus is possible.

Will it really happened?
Yes it will!

Finally, Take care of who you love!
And stay safe!


Random Music Rating RMR: Ep2

Kaleo - Break My Baby (7.5/10)

I am a big fan of this band and i was waiting for what it felt like decade for new song by Kaleo after i discover them with Way Down We Go and there i got into the rabbit hole of Kaleo's songs, especially i addicted listening to Save Yourself, I Can't Go Without You and Pretty Girls (I'll review them later) and they blow my mind with a very nice voice and good play on gitar not to forget how badass the drummer is.

in last month or two Kaleo was back with new album and new songs and i will begin this album with Break My Baby so here we go

Let me talk about the opening of the song; a reflection of how badass it is, when the drums begin to rise my head shake along with it; what a masterpiece it's the Rock type of Kaleo style opening and that's what i love.

The Lyrics

The singer start with his low voice, his tongue was easy with the words, but the verse has a lack of color in my opinion; non the less it was good.
Sun is down on east side
While we all turn a blind eye 
You know I’ve got your back 
But would you ever do that for me? 
For me? For me? For me? 
Well, Billy boy, he’s gifted 
You know you can’t deny it 
Don’t leave us empty handed 
'Cause you know we don’t deserve that from you 
From you, from you, from you
 The chorus is very satisfying for me and has color to it 

I want to break my baby 
You know she loves to fake it 
I wanna to break my baby, yeah 
I wanna hold her down 
I wanna bring her down now 
Oh, now

The second verse was powerful and on the point it's what shape the song for what it is

They’ll take you in and spit you out 
You’re only worth how much you sell 
You’ve come too far, we both agree 
Just give the people what they need
The bridge is my favorite part and in the end of it he repeat the chorus and then a wonderful guitar solo just WOW!

The ending in the outro is a bit disappointment in my opinion,but over all is amazing song, it's my song of the month!

Note: this is not Review this is rating and it just my opinin don't take it too seriously


My trip to Damascaus!

I am writing this post on my way to lattakia from the capital Damascus and spoiler alert it wasn't a good trip.

This is my third trip to it; the first one was when i was thirteen my dad took me with him on work trip we stayed for two days, the second one was two years ago it was more like mission more than a trip we stay for three hours in one place before i went home.

Now let's talk about my latest trip which was in the last weekend.
we left Lattakia toward Tartus then Homs and finally to Damascus; we stopped a few times at checkpoints before each city and we stopped before Damascus at "Abo al 'aiz" which mean "The father of Good old times", it remind me of the border crossing gates there was so many people with so many backgrounds all share the same things which they are Syrians and they want to live a normal life but their faces don't lie the war left scares on it, scars of fear and sadness but they lie on them self by trying to live a normal life and hope for the future. when we reached the outskirts of the city we saw how bad the war was around the city, many building was on the edge of falling or already on the ground with few building survived what happened but either it was unreachable or the basics needs of normal house to be house was missing like: windows, door and people!

when we reached the city center the jam was awful the people there seems as they lost the able to trust any foreign and the looks was full of dark past and the eyes were hopeless.
i noticed that the city was highly divided in the economic factor between the rich area and the poor ones.
when we reached the hotel in the downtown it was small but nice one with original damascausian look in the hall and even in the rooms the view from the window of the room wasn't bad, we put the bags in the room and we head to do our business which it was the reason we came there, when we finished we went to area named "shaalan" which mean "on fire", the area was beautiful and had many shopping places and restaurants.

in the next day i stayed in the hotel until the afternoon and i tided the bags preparing to leave and in few hours later we were on the way home in the same route we came through.
it was short trip i hope i will go back when the city fully recover from the war and start the rebuilding process in the whole country.


Update about ME and The Arqula !

So it's been a long time since i blog i will tell you what is happening with me and the future of my blog down below!

between the work and school since the last post i didn't have any time to scratch my head, and recently i had been through some personal stuff and i had some bad times going through it; so it was so hard to find some time for the blog, but it was so nice to see the views number still going up though i wasn't active on Arqula at all, so thank you guys!

recently i decided to start teaching  Physics and Chemistry to mid-school students on my own, and now i am learning some techniques to teach the information in easy and fast way, i will start with my brother's friends for free until the finals, and then i will go with low prices for a lesson.
i am very excited for this project, though i know it will be a long and hard way to get to my goal and that is to be self employed.

i will go to damascus this week so expect to see post about that :)

and for the future of this blog ,honestly it will stay at this slow rate at least until the spring break but expect some few updates and personal blog until then sorry guys and thanks for the support ,wish me luck !


Techtober 19: Samsung Fold and 10's phones[ep1]

For the last few years the geeks and youtubers started to look out for the new tech and gadgets many companies will launch at the last quarter of the year and they started to call it "TECHTOBER" referring to the month September, the companies launch their products in this period to catch on the holiday season and make high salles with it.

Let's start with Samsung stuff ,they launched first the S series with five or seven phones(depend on who you ask) and a tablet ,S10 ,S10+ and S10e with the plus having the biggest screen and it's the most powerful of the three ,the plus and the vanilla have screen edge the e don't have same with finger sensor under the screen and only two cameras Wide-angle Camera ,Ultra Wide Camera and with additional Telephoto Camera and for the batteries only the plus have 4000+ mAh(4100 mAh) and 3100 and 3400 mAh for the vanilla and the e respectfully, and they have fourth S10 they called it S10 5G with additional camera 3D Depth Camera and 4500 mAh battery and of course it support 5G check out our Blog about new tech's for the next decade 

and for the tablet they launched Tab S6 with S pen ,narrow bezels huge battery with fast charging 7040mAh ,under screen fingerprint sensor ,keyboard cover which sold separately with it you can transform the tab to like-laptop experience with Samsung DEX and four speakers with AKG technology to boost sound quality.

 and for the Note series we have this year two model the regular and the plus with the more features for the plus of the note ;with 6.3 of the SUPER AMOLED display and 6.8 for the plus ;the last one have many things the vanilla doesn't have like quadruple camera setup verses triple ,4300mAh and 3500mAh and 8GB or 12GB for the plus.

and last but not least with the anticipated phone of the year Galaxy Fold which it had some problem with the screen with some youtuber in review videos which Samsung managed (as they said at the time we wrote this) to fix, with it Samsung start new revolution in the phones industry and blur the line between the phone and the tablet we also talk more about folding phones here

we will continue the series with another company each episode so be sure to like our Facebook page.


What To Be Expected : Better Tomorrow!

The Technology will shape our world in the next few years, we should be ready for big changes in our life when the AI will guide us in this world, exchange with cryptocurrency, and we will spend some days off the work away in the space,there will be so many personal Assistants and a new type of energy to power our devices; we talk previously about many things we suggest you checking out that first.

in this series we won't dig into the topics so much as we focus about general information. 

Digital Assistants:

Siri the most known digital assistant and one of the first smart one out there, begin in 2011 was huge thing back then and people made a lot of noise about it, and through the years we had seen Siri getting smarter and smarter, until the big guy came; Google launch it's assistant in 2012, it was for the first few years behind Apple assistant with big distant between them,Google Now wasn't assistant more than it was smart launcher for Google search with no voice to interact with and slow respond with no room for conversation at all until Google rebrand it to Google Assistant in 2016 and came with it AI power to engage in two-way conversations and the knowledge of search engine ,in I/O 2018 Google's CEO anounce Google Duplex in which the Assistant will be able to pick the calls for you and make human-like conversation with the caller.

this two company are not the only one love to make some AI to let us play with it, Amazon ,Microsoft ,Samsung and even Facebook which each one of them have some degree of success with it.

we love to see how the current assistants will develop over time, and how power the new one will come out of the box.


we already depend on the Artificial intelligence in our live so much,and that will increase in the next few years ; it will manage our home ,run our business and teach our children in the schools.
now on YouTube so many creators are getting managed by algorithms and work with, they learn to change how it changes and adapt and when it gets improved by the developer ;leading to a better contents on the platform and more safe environment for us; we like to see it as they are the beta tester for our new boss.

definitely AI will true leader to our future.


The site you are in depends one hundred percent on cryptocurrency to run, and many business depend on it. it considers more saver choice than the normal currency thanks to it's stability and reliability.
recently Facebook's CEO Mark launched with group of many companies like mastercard, paypal,visa...etc ,a new blockchain digital currency called 'Libra' and it will launch in 2020; this could tell you how the future of currency and exchange will change forever.

Human on Mars:

if one thing we learned in the past few years that's when Elon Musk say he would do something then he will do it.with his company SpaceX and help from NASA they promise they will get us to mars in 2024[source] .
the humanity will face challenge to exhibit a new planet and make home out of it.and how awesome it will be to have first human born out of the earth 

What About The Moon:
NASA in 50th anniversary of Apollo mission announced they will  go back to the moon in 2024 and they stated "NASA is going to the Moon with commercial and international partners to explore faster and explore more together" also "This work will bring new knowledge and opportunities and inspire the next generation. In going to the Moon, NASA is laying the foundation that will eventually enable human exploration of Mars."

we are so impassioned to the new space age in the new decade.

I am Going to Space on Vacation:

To date, orbital space tourism has been performed only by the Russian Space Agency. Work also continues towards developing suborbital space tourism vehicles,but in the future SpaceX will send tow space tourists on a free-return trajectory around the Moon.

the first publicized price for flights aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft was between US$200–250 million.

but on June 7, 2019, NASA announced that starting in 2020, the organization aims to start allowing private astronauts to go on the International Space Station, with the use of SpaceX’s Dragon2 module and Boeing’s Starliner module for public astronauts, which is planned to be priced at $35,000 USD per day for one astronaut so you should begin saving for the trip.


I Blog Using 35$ Computer!

raspberry pi 3

I bought a Raspberry Pi 3 model B one and half years ago, and enjoyed every moment of it, i tried so many thing with it like RetroPi which make the PI emulation device to emulate old console PS1 ,Sega .... etc , and i tried to use it as my main computer for year or so and i would say it's acceptable and it will do anything not graphically heavy and now i posting on my blog using it and surf the internet.It was so hard to get the PI where i live, but i manged to get it with double the price,though i didn't think for a minute it was a lose, the Pi is my favorite thing i own and one of the first things i bought with my own money and made me able to run my own business to gain experience in life and try new things.
and with PI 4 launch i think it will be more doable thing to use PI as main PC with 4GB RAM and USB3.

i added few things to make it more usable : i added fan station; the only case i found in my area it could't managed the heat so well especially in summer and hot times so i got jar cover and modified it with air flow opening and i soldered circuit to run the fan(which i found the project on github) i bought some dongle like VGA to HDMI ,PS/2 keyboard to USB and i setup the pi with FTP network and with static IP so i can stream the movies on the it to my phone or tablet.

My Setup

and for experience with GNU/Linux i use it as my main OP system for 4 years beginning with Puppy Linux, i don't have any problem with Rasbian at all.

i am so grateful to the Raspberry Pi foundation and all the guys and girls who work on it to let me blog the experience with you .

Current Mood : Thankful 😃


I Saw Our Galaxy for The First Time!

our galaxy

I was in my Grandparent's house in the mountains in a small and lovely town ,where people go in summer far from the hot and humidity of the city, i go there every weekend to have good times with the family, i usually leave before my family on the morning of the next day to went to work in the afternoon, but this week i decided to went back with my aunts, uncle and my grandfather in his car at night.between the town where my grandparent's house and my city, there is a small village on the road but before we arrived to the village i noticed the road and surrounding were too dark, and then i noticed this shining white dots in the sky from my left shoulder to the right's one this long bar of dim dots, i thought first it was just the moon behind white cloud but i notice it wasn't moving so then i realized it was our galaxy, i couldn't believe my eyes,i spend so much looking off to the most dimming star and think to myself how massive it is,i imagine the stars like tears drop from child in the war running with his live, or mother who lost her son, i notice how much we are small and weak on this planet and how much the universe is huge and powerful and most important one how magical it is.

Current Mood : 😃 Wonderful


Pewdiepie Reach 100 Mililion

Finally the famous Youtuber Pewdiepie reach 100 million subscriber

in 25 August 2019 Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg passes ONE Hundred million subscribe in his channel on Youtube after he recently marry his girlfriend Marzia Bisognin in a private ceremony at Kew Gardens

He began his journey in  in Gothenburg ,2010 during his time at the university with so little audience but certainly his popularity begin to rise , he reached on Youtube one million subscriber in July 2012 , On 15 August 2013 he became the most subscribed user on the platform .
pewdiepie reach 100 milion sub

his channel changed a little bit in recent the months On 28 April 2019, Kjellberg uploaded a video entitled "Ending the Subscribe to Pewdiepie Meme" in which he asked his followers to refrain from using the phrase "Subscribe to PewDiePie" due to incidents such as the phrase being graffitied on a war memorial and its mention by the Christchurch mosque shooter,by this he ended his competition with Indian music company passing him to 100 million subscriber on 29 May 2019 becoming the first channel to reach 100 million , On 21 June 2019 Kjellberg started "Gaming Week", during which he focused on Let's Play videos for the first time in several years. Among the games played were Minecraft, This transition was largely successful for pew who received a large increase in views.